Microsoft Azure AZ-120 Exam: How to Prep and Pass

Alexis Habig
3 min readJun 11, 2021


You must be an aspiring individual aiming to acquire a Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads certificate for that first IT job you’ve thought of and are interested in exploring if studying on the Internet online is the excellent option to prepare for Microsoft Azure AZ-120 Certification because this certificate is undoubtedly going to help you attain the heights of productive success in IT field. With some advice, you can assess whether or not it is an excellent idea to prepare online for Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads (AZ-120) certification.

Microsoft Azure AZ-120 Exam Details

Architects and engineers with huge experience and knowledge about the SAP system landscape are applicants for the Microsoft Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads AZ-120 exam. Successful applicants in the Microsoft Azure For SAP Workloads Specialty certification exam execute roles of making recommendations on services and setting resources to satisfy excellent resiliency, performance, scale, and checking objectives.

Applicants who want to opt for the Microsoft Certified — Azure for SAP Workloads Specialty AZ-120 exam should have a thorough knowledge of SAP applications like operating systems, Azure portal, SAP HANA, data protection concepts, disaster recovery design, and high availability design. To pass the AZ-120 — Microsoft Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads exam in the one-shot, applicants should know about these topics:

  • Migrate SAP Workloads to Azure (25–30%)
  • Design and Implement an Infrastructure to Support SAP Workloads (25–30%)
  • Design and Implement High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HA/DR) (20–25%)
  • Maintain SAP Workloads on Azure (15–20%)

What is the Best Strategy to Prepare for the Microsoft AZ-120 Exam?

To streamline your efforts to pass this exam, we’ve compiled some essential steps that you can follow for your Microsoft AZ-120 exam preparation. None of these steps will be confusing to you so, check it out.

#1 Visit the Official Microsoft webpage for AZ-120 Exam

On the official webpage of the AZ-120 exam, you’ll find the most trustworthy and latest information concerning this exam. From here, you can know the eligibility criteria, skills needed to get through the exam, registration options for the exam, exam cost, syllabus, and lastly, any related updates to exam structure.

#2 Understand the Exam Topics

The weight given to each AZ-120 exam objective is roughly the same. So, you can’t skip any of these objectives in your AZ-120 exam preparation. We’ve already mentioned each of these objectives and their expected weight that you can anticipate in your exam.

#3 Online Training & AZ-120 Practice Tests

Both of these training methods are essential to pass the exam with a flying score. From the Microsoft AZ-120 learning portal, you can get details about online training courses. You can enroll in instructor-led training or online training. And, Microsoft along with its partners, is offering Microsoft AZ-120 practice tests. You can also take a practice test from reliable websites.

Try Now: Microsoft Azure AZ-120 Free Test

#4 Obtain Relevant Books & Online Resources

Use reliable books and authentic reference materials to prepare yourself for the exam. You can find many resources available for this Microsoft exam on the Internet. But be cautious to lean your choices on reliable and authentic resources only.

#5 Join Azure Forums & Engage in Group Discussions

Azure Forums offer an amazing opportunity to boost your AZ-120 exam preparation by allowing you to discuss your doubts concerning the exam and resolve them. You may find many people in such a forum who’s having the same questions you’ve. And, you’ll also come across people there who are competent enough to solve them.


The certification exam will decide your success in your career and how you proceed to the next level. Pass the Microsoft AZ-120 certification exam and win your future skills! As azure technology is being adopted by businesses to strengthen their IT functions.

Keep in mind; it is not sufficient to persist at one skill level for a long time. Presently, you need to upgrade your knowledge consistently to satisfy the demands of upcoming technologies. Microsoft AZ-120 certification exam is the best means to stay relevant in the constantly developing technological space.

